Join The Seniors United Party Of Australia Inc.
Governments, bureaucrats and business corporations are unrelenting in their wish to change society and this is happening without the wishes or consent of many Australians, particularly senior Australians.
This is particularly obvious with the push for the use of new technologies where the elderly and others are extremely vulnerable financially and it is changing our culture and values.
Governments, bureaucrats and corporations have shown less and less care for ordinary people shown by the closure of many banks and the 3G communications network. So much for looking after each other.
Where private corporations remove services, or charge exorbitant fees, governments must step in to take over those services.
Governments must return to being for the people and not for corporations and their greed.
Some senior advocacy groups are supported by government funding and are not prepared to say NO in fear of loosing that funding– THIS IS WRONG.
The Seniors United Party is not one of them as we do not have big funding from outside the party membership.
We need you to join us to raise our voices and be heard for seniors and all Australians.
Become a member for only $15
Membership entitles you to:
Be part of the Seniors United Party of Australia Inc. for up to a year.
Discuss and suggest political issues and solutions, and be listened to.
Add weight to the VOICE of SENIORS to considerations of Australia’s Seniors’ interests in all political discussions.
REMEMBER: When paying membership fee of $15, especially electronically, give your name and post code to allow correct receipting of your payment