About The Seniors United Party Of Australia Inc.


The Seniors United Party of Australia (SUPA) was formed by members of the community who were concerned by the lack of attention and support given by the major political parties to issues that affected the seniors in our community.

Its formation in Sydney in 2015 was partly in a response to the treatment of residents in retirement villages where they knew they were being treated unfairly by village management, often where
there was unfair cost shifting from the corporate owners to the unrepresented residence with greater fees.

The NSW State government held an enquiry into the issue and introduced an ambassador to represent residents when the residents were demanding an ombudsman with legal authority. This was seen as the NSW state government putting the rights of large corporate owners above the rights of the individual residents who would still not have the legal and financial power to legally challenge those corporate owners in regards to their behaviour.

SUPA has been a registered federal political party and has stood candidates in Federal Senate elections on several occasions until both major political parties passed the Electoral Legislation Amendment (Party Registration Integrity) Bill in 2021 to deliberately remove smaller political parties by deregistering them. They did this by forcing small political parties to increase their membership from 500 members to 1500 members to be a politically registered party with the Federal Electoral Commission. SUPA was not able to do this in the time required.

The Federal Electoral Commission deregistered the Seniors United Party of Australia because it failed to submit a document! That document was suppose to be a list of over 1500 members. By saying the party failed to submit a document hid from the public the connection of the actions of the two major parties to the deregistering of the Seniors United Party of Australia The party, although deregistered as a political party became an incorporated association in 2022 and has members from various states throughout Australia. The party is governed by a committee of volunteers. The last annual general meeting was in November 2024 and is based in Wollongong.


The Aim of the Seniors United Party of Australia Inc is to raise the well being of senior Australians and all other Australians. We also aim to oppose those political, financial and technological actions of others that are detrimental to seniors and which reduce their liberty to make choices and receive services which are most suitable for them.


The goal of the Seniors United Party of Australia Inc is to represent and advocate for senior Australians and in general all Australians after listening to them – and to have our policies accepted and passed into law by Australian governments at all levels.


1. To promote and advocate for the economic, social, political, fundamental rights and respect of Senior Citizens after listening to them.

2. To monitor and lobby organisations and politicians where deemed effective or essential in achieving better outcomes for Senior Citizens and their needs in terms of health, aged care, housing
income and lifestyle.

3. To actively oppose actions and outcomes that may disadvantage, exploit or marginalise senior citizens and to recognise and work to eliminate elder abuse and financial manipulation.

4. To work to provide improved welfare intervention and greater advocacy services for senior citizens in a changing world.

5. To provide support mechanisms for the democratic selection, endorsement and support of sympathetic political candidates and lobbyists, and to guide and support suitable candidates to contest elections for parliamentary representation.

6. To research and promote amendments to legislation, and to develop new legislation which produces better outcomes for seniors in terms of health, aged care, housing, income, safety, well-being and dignity and remove or amend legislation which is detrimental to seniors and their well being.

7. To advocate change to the Australian Constitution where it appears to discriminates against pensioners by disqualifying them from being political candidates in elections and giving them the same rights as other people under the Constitution.

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